free v.
“Life calls the tune, we dance.”
John Galsworthy
John Galsworthy
Life Path Vision: Imagine you are free, happy, & living a great life.
Friendship vision: IMAGINE You are secure, protected, confident & surrounded by good people.
Creativity & Children vision : IMAGINE Your children are happy & healthy, they appreciate you and admire your strength.
Romance Vision: IMAGINE You are in a happy & healthy relationship, going on adventures together and romantic dates. You are satisfied.
Fame & Good Reputation Vision: IMAGINE You are well respected and loved by many.
Prosperity & Abundance Vision: Imagine you are very rich on the inside and out. You give not only to yourself, but also to your community. Life is good.
Family & Family Health Vision: Imagine you are having the time of your life with your loved ones. Smiling, partying, laughing. Your heart is full.
Self Knowledge Affirmation: Imagine you are wise. Your knowledge has helped you make wise decisions and has gained you trust in your world. You are secure in your intuition.
TAO & Health Affirmation: Imagine you are as happy & healthy. Life is so good.